Softball has been my life since I was 14 years old. Who are we kidding - we do grow older and our bodies say no to certain things as years go by. The passion remained, but I did have to switch the bat for a Sony camera now though. Through the lens, I still get to experience every single game with all of its emotions, as if I was playing it. What a ride it is - it will never get old!


Softballem žiji již od čtrnácti let, ale nebudeme si nalhávat, člověk stárne a tělo již není to, co bylo. Láska k tomuto sportu sice zůstala, ale pálku jsem musela vyměnit za svůj Sony foťák - s tím to tolik nebolí. :) Objektivem teď prožívám každý zápas a emoce jím protkané, jako bych tam stále sama byla - je to jízda a nastoupím na ni znovu a znovu!

Have a softball event you'd like to see through my lens?

Chcete nafotit softball?